Contact Manager

Getting Here 

About - Contact Manager 



Getting Here - Contact Manager

Click the Contacts Manager button in the Quick Start navigation pane.



About - Contact Manager

The Contact Manager provides a central location from which to search, add, and manage all your stored contacts and organizations.


Common features

ShareVision Website Header


Contact Manager features

Contacts Manager Quick Start Pane Links

Find: People

Find: Organizations

Find: Staff

Search (Contacts tab link)

Create: New Contact

Create: New Staff

Create: New Organization

Contact Manager Sub-Header 

Sub-headers sit directly below the main ShareVision Website Header. They include a title, a unique logo, and breadcrumbs.







Add a New Contact 

Edit/delete a contact 

Make contacts active/Deactivate contacts 

Make an individual active_deactivate an individual 

Edit an organization in your contacts list

Delete an organization in your contacts list

Add/delete profile details tabs

Add/delete profile types

Add/remove a field from the Person Details Web part in the Contact Manager

Manage links on the Contacts Tab Navigation Bar