Add/delete profile types 

It is strongly recommended you discuss this with your project manager before adding or modifying profile types.

  1. Follow the instructions for Add/remove a field from the Person Details Web part in the Contact Manager, steps 1-3.
  2. Choose:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
    • Add a profile type: Click Add from existing site content types, near the bottom of the Content Types section. Add a content type and click OK to save. Note: The new profile type will be available on the New button in the Profiles list toolbar, but it will not appear as a profile tab in the Contact Manager. This is a customization you may request from your project manager. 
    • Delete a profile type: Return to the list settings page for the Profiles list. Click on the profile type in the columns section. Click Delete this content type, in the Settings section. Click OK on the pop-up confirmation window.

See also